Blazing auspicious trails in the Year of the Wood Dragon

THE Year of the Wood Dragon is finally here. In earlier prelude supplements that lead up to this Chinese New Year 2024 Special Feature, I’ve collaborated with The Manila Times to share feng shui insights on enhancing prosperity in the retail business, spotlighting SM Supermalls’ role in providing customers with essential materials for their lives and celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Continuing on, we explored the key principle of direction in real estate and property development with PHirst, offering specific practices to invite wealth abundance into existing structures.

As 2024 marks the year of transformation, together with Wilcon Depot, I’ve also shared insights on attracting positive energies by identifying and utilizing auspicious sectors or directions, where homeowners, business establishment managers and interior decoration enthusiasts can place the right furniture and appliances as well as make judicious structural and cosmetic improvements.

By highlighting the favorable directions, colors and practices that attract luck at home and in offices this 2024, my hope is that this brings enlightenment to everyone, allowing them to spend the year with abundance and fulfillment.

Now, in the following pages, I will present a comprehensive forecast for each Chinese animal zodiac sign that will help each of you navigate the Year of the Wood Dragon.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Secret friend: Ox

Allies: Dragon and Monkey

Annual Flying Star Number: 8

A period of prosperity

IN the year 2024, individuals born with a Rat zodiac sign are poised to experience a rare cosmic alignment that holds the promise of abundant opportunities. This fortuitous convergence of the Wealth and Success stars occurs just once in every 9 years, making this a particularly auspicious year.

Those moments of adversity — once thought to shatter the world — are now gradually fading into the backdrop as an era of positivity unfolds. Favorite lucky charms during this Year of the Dragon are the lucky four-leaf clover, infinity mantra amulet and more importantly, the infinity success charm or the fortune triumph medallion.


While basking in the glow of opportunity, it’s essential to also tend to well-being. The rapid pace of progress and the array of opportunities can often lead to a sense of exhaustion. This fatigue — a blend of physical and mental weariness — can become an obstacle to progress both personally and professionally. This underlying strain shouldn’t be underestimated as it can impact not only the performance, but also the overall quality of life. This is where the concept of balance enters the scene.

To counteract the potential burnout, it’s wise to consider the significance of health and longevity amulets. These symbolic tokens can serve as guardians to protect Rats from potential health issues. Integrating these amulets into the south sector of the living space creates a shield against looming health risks. This proactive approach ensures that the pursuit of prosperity doesn’t come at the cost of your physical and mental well-being.


The year 2024 presents numerous avenues to accumulate financial gains. Enhancing this phenomenon is entirely within one’s grasp by embracing auspicious symbols that resonate with the vibrations of prosperity.

From wealth and success medallions to mandala shawls steeped in luck, these symbols act as conduits to amplify financial prospects. Wear a mantra scarf adorned with the golden zodiac for all 12 animal signs for enhanced connectivity and networking luck.

Display wealth symbols in the north corner of the living and working spaces. Think of this as an altar to prosperity. From wealth vases and infinity figurines to water fountains and representations of wealth deities, the more symbols of affluence present, the more potent the energy becomes. This is particularly noteworthy for homes oriented toward the east, southwest and north directions in 2024, which stand to reap the rewards of favorable fortune.


Rat’s reliability and steadfastness become their signature career strengths. They are a dependable anchor within the team, consistently arriving early, meeting deadlines and offering unwavering support to colleagues. As they continue to embody this work ethic, a long-anticipated promotion draws nearer. This advancement is poised to bring with it not only increased salary, but also the trappings of success: a more spacious office, enhanced perks and a broader scope of responsibilities.

Radiating with positive energy, Rat-born people’s presence serves as a beacon that draws colleagues toward seeking their guidance and support. The influence they wield can be sustained by adorning the north, east, southwest or even the northwest corner of the office with auspicious paintings of koi, waterfalls, mountain or wealth trees. These symbols infuse the workspace with a dynamic energy that catalyzes positive events and opportunities.


For single Rats seeking companionship, the southwest corner can become a sanctuary of romance. Adorn this space with peony paintings or blossoms, invoking an atmosphere conducive to the growth of affection.

If a Rat is already exploring romantic possibilities, crafting a collage, featuring themselves and their special someone, then placing it in the southwest bedroom sector holds promise. Augment this display with a lampshade, housing a red bulb, infusing the space with an air of love and attraction.

For single Rats, venturing out and engaging in social activities is pivotal. Embrace the notion that life’s vibrancy lies in embracing every fleeting moment. The southwest corner, known as the love and marriage sector, holds universal significance. This makes it a poignant location to display family or partner photos, illuminated by radiant light. As Rats tread the path of dating and partnership, a journey marked by both discovery and growth unfolds.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Secret friend: Rat

Allies: Snake and Rooster

Annual flying star number: 6

Opportunities from yesteryears

Stepping into the vibrant embrace of 2024, the Ox finds itself standing at the crossroads of destiny, where the winds of heavenly fortune blow in its favor. The lessons of the past have sculpted a path of triumph for the present, where unexpected blessings and opportunities await like hidden gems ready to dazzle.

As Helen Keller once said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” Just as the Ox persevered through the challenges of yesteryears, it has emerged with a heightened sense of purpose and clarity. The struggles of the past have become the stepping stones to the miracles of the present.


In the Year of the Dragon 2024, Ox individuals may see a convergence of the fortunate windfall and the heavenly luck stars. Yet, occasional shadows might cross their path, and unexpected cosmic winds may ripple the tranquil waters of life.

To mitigate potential conflicts that might manifest as cosmic energies sway, consider displaying the Tai Sui plaque in the southeastern sector. More importantly, install the mighty bejeweled Dragon image of good fortune in the same location as well.

Furthermore, the use of amulets, featuring the images of allies such as the Ox, Snake and Rooster, which are considered Ox’s cosmic companions, can provide a protective mantle.

This year, Ox’s unwavering friend, the Rat, stands as a shield against cosmic discord. For further cosmic harmony, allow images of the Rat and Ox to grace the north or southeast corners of the abode.


In 2024, the prevailing theme is not merely a fervent hunt for wealth, but rather the recalibration of the compass guiding pursuits. Focus on investments nurtured over time. Trusted allies could take the helm, steering the vessel of opportunity through the uncharted cosmic seas.

While considering forging new alliances and fresh ventures, do so with measured steps, for some opportunities might house hidden risks. Embrace these auspicious currents and allow them to guide the ship toward the shores of success. Feng shui encourages Ox to create a harmonious environment, where surroundings mirror their aspirations.

Decorate the space with symbols of abundance and prosperity. Arm against potential storms with the symbols of guardianship such as rhinoceros and elephant figures, emanating a vigilant energy against loss and theft.


As young professionals embark on their career voyage, patience emerges as a guiding North Star, navigating Ox through the ever-changing seas of professional endeavor. Challenges may rise like waves, testing mettle and resilience. Yet, these trials refine Ox’s character, fortifying their resolve for the cosmic journey ahead.

Surround oneself with symbols of achievement and growth, fostering an environment conducive to Ox’s aspirations. Embrace change for within conflict lies the potential for rejuvenation. Illuminate the cosmic compass with a painting of prosperity trees, koi or even thousands of birds, adorning the southern corner of the home. To amplify influence upon the cosmic tides, adorn the office table with images such as victory horse or the Ruyi — the embodiment of power, prestige and opportunity.


Ox’s romantic journey charts a path both intricate and harmonious. Feng shui energies infuse Ox’s relationships with positivity and harmony.

Create a space that resonates with love and affection using symbols such as mandarin ducks, happy couple or a pair of hearts. These symbols not only amplify the cosmic energy of love, but also act as reminders of the affection shared.

To those wanting to reconcile, reunite or keep their love and relationship intact, wear the auspicious Claddagh ring or the Triquetra charms. Misunderstandings, disagreements and the ebb and flow of cosmic tides are natural phenomena. To navigate these cosmic currents, engage in open communication and sail through disagreements with grace.

Placing the suggested peace and serenity amulets within the southwest corner of sleeping quarters harmonizes cosmic energies, fostering an environment conducive to love and matrimony.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Secret friend: Boar

Allies: Horse and Dog

Annual flying star number: 6

Windfall and heavenly luck

Tigers, get ready for a journey through a landscape of opportunities and challenges. The heaven and windfall luck dominates overall opportunities for 2024. In this tale of contrasts, think of 2024 as a stage, where harmonious melodies blend with contrasting tones, creating a symphony of experiences.

Picture a vibrant painting with each brushstroke contributing to the masterpiece of the journey. To help navigate the energies of 2024, place the tai sui plaque in the northeast corner of the home or office. Given the Dragon’s influence this year, aligning with Rooster energy can shield Tigers from potential conflicts. Consider wearing the super amulet images to keep the positivity in life and mitigate possible misfortune.


Pay close attention to well-being. Health concerns, physical discomforts and pains may frequent the path throughout the year. Like skilled gardeners caring for their gardens, it’s crucial to tend to the body and mind.

To counter potential challenges, consider adopting a holistic lifestyle with nourishing food, regular physical activity and mindfulness practices such as yoga and meditation. In the midst of the journey, remember to grant oneself the gift of rest. Just as a traveler pauses at an oasis, the body and soul benefit from moments of rejuvenation.

Work-related stress might emerge akin to navigating stormy seas. Instead of braving the turbulence, recognize the value of taking a step back. Sometimes, the best choice is to take things easy or refrain from action altogether.


A unique perspective emerges — one that emphasizes restoring equilibrium over amassing riches. Keep a delicate balance while traversing the path of financial decisions, focusing on the treasure trove of existing assets and investment portfolio. Think of this as taking a strategic turn that offers new perspectives and opportunities.

Unexpected blessings may grace the path. Alongside these high-energy times, there may also be moments of lull. Think of these periods as the ebb of the tide, acknowledging that even the most serene waters have a rhythm of their own.

Spend with prudence to avoid unnecessary expenditures and safeguard against financial drains. Guard the west corner with symbols of the rhinoceros and elephant. These symbols can be used as amulets akin to wearing mantra rings and bangles to remind oneself of commitment to financial prudence.


For young Tigers, who have recently stepped into the university stage, the year 2024 offers a canvas upon which to paint their future. Imagine this phase as a journey of patience and vision. Be prepared for tests of resilience. These trials are hard but fleeting experiences meant to sculpt strength and character.

Like a forge that tempers steel, the challenges will mold Tigers into someone with an unwavering spirit. As they pursue career ambitions, contemplate the concept of balance much like a tightrope walker treads gracefully on a high-wire. Strive to create equilibrium between personal and professional concerns. If they ever find themself grappling with a sense of imbalance, visualize a gust of wind that carries their worries away. Letting go becomes a freeing act, releasing the burden of expectations.


In matters of love and relationships, the journey unveils a landscape adorned with both challenges and opportunities. Upon stepping into this realm, allow threads of understanding and harmony to guide interactions and connections. Imagine relationships as a dance, each step carrying closer to their partner’s heart.

Navigating misunderstandings and challenges can be like finding rhythm amid changing melodies. Married couples and those in long-term partnerships will have chances to strengthen their bonds.

Picture the challenges as winds that amplify the flame of romantic connection when harnessed. Disagreements, mistrust and discord may knock on the door but let empathy and compassion be the welcome hosts. Addressing these matters head-on becomes a compass that guides toward a destination of deeper connection. Have the courage to communicate openly. Just as skilled gardeners tend to their plants, nurturing relationships ensures growth and vitality.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Secret friend: Dog

Allies: Sheep and Boar

Annual flying star number: 1

Victory and success

In 2024, Rabbit-born people are destined to experience a significant transformation and a wide array of opportunities across various facets of their lives. With the Victory and Success stars shining favorably upon them, this year brings the promise of a fresh start, encouraging them to pursue long-held dreams with renewed enthusiasm.

Regardless of the challenges faced in the previous year — be it financial setbacks, turbulent relationships, business obstacles or health issues — the arrival of 2024 offers an opportunity to mend what’s been broken, revitalize aspirations and move forward with a newfound sense of optimism.

As the year unfolds, the Triumph Talisman can aid Rabbits in effective communication, transparency and unwavering determination to build a path toward personal and professional success. Additionally, this year signifies a time of personal growth and development. It encourages Rabbits to reflect upon their life journey, reassess their goals and take steps toward self-improvement.


While remnants of weariness from the previous year may persist, individuals with Rabbit sign are poised to conquer these feelings by tapping into their newfound energy reserves in 2024.

Placing the Wellness and Lifespan icons in the southeast and east sectors of their living spaces can significantly boost their health and vitality. In addition to physical health, this year encourages a holistic approach to well-being. It’s an ideal time to delve into renewed positivity and practicing self-care that helps enhance mental and emotional health.

Activities such as mindfulness meditation, journaling and seeking counseling or therapy can be valuable tools for managing stress and maintaining emotional equilibrium. Finding time for relaxation and leisure activities as well as fostering positive relationships with loved ones will contribute to their overall wellness. This year’s focus on health extends beyond mere physicality — it encompasses a comprehensive commitment to mental, emotional and spiritual flourishing.


The year 2024 heralds a promising outlook for Rabbit individuals in terms of financial prosperity. Confidence in their capabilities and trusting that challenges will ultimately yield favorable outcomes are vital to their financial success.

To amplify wealth luck, display a wealth tree, aventurine, auspicious coin emblems, gold ingots, wealth ships or wealth vases. With their innate cleverness, charm and influence, Rabbits should seek to persuade others and enhance their business acumen.

Moreover, 2024 encourages Rabbit individuals to expand their financial horizons by exploring new avenues of investment and financial planning. Diversifying their financial portfolio and seeking professional advice can lead to long-term stability and growth. The year also encourages them to nurture their entrepreneurial spirit. Starting a small business, launching creative ventures or exploring side hustles could yield significant financial rewards.


The intricacies of office politics should not deter the Rabbits as steadfast commitment and loyalty will ultimately pave their path to achievement.

This year places a strong emphasis on personal and professional development. It encourages Rabbits to invest in further education, attend workshops or seek out mentors, who can guide them toward their goals. These endeavors will not only enhance their skill sets, but also open up new career opportunities and advancement prospects.

For those in leadership roles, this is an ideal time to cultivate a positive work environment, inspire their team and foster collaboration. For those aspiring for leadership positions, building strong professional relationships will be invaluable. Rabbits must activate the east part of their space with the fame and popularity symbols. By managing the workload effectively and setting boundaries, they can ensure career aspirations align with their overall well-being.


In matters of the heart, 2024 indicates a period of reconciliation, rekindled romance and strengthened familial bonds for Rabbit individuals. For single Rabbits, the year presents an auspicious opportunity to discover their ideal life partner. Active socializing, attending events and expanding their social circles can significantly enhance their chances of meeting that special someone.

Activating the southwest corner of the bedroom with love symbols such as hearts, mystic knots and mandarin ducks could further amplify their romantic prospects. Cultivating a positive self-image and nurturing their emotional well-being will not only enhance their relationships, but also attract partners, who align with their authentic selves. Engaging in open and honest conversations with partners, expressing love and appreciation, and actively working on conflict resolution will strengthen the bonds of love and harmony.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Secret friend: Rooster

Allies: Rat and Monkey

Annual flying star number: 2

A possibility of health challenges

Congratulations! The long-awaited year, the Year of the Dragon, has arrived. This particular year holds the promise of being a considerably more serene and harmonious period, characterized by reconciliation rather than conflict.

Anticipate the arrival of favorable news and blessings with the only potential obstacle on the horizon being related to health. Should Dragons find themselves feeling lethargic, unwell or devoid of motivation, it’s advisable to surround themselves with the Vitality and Endurance and Mighty Dragons emblems for their much-needed support in health and wellness.

Wearing a special mantra talisman against illness such as the ultimate medicine Buddha medallion can offer protection against potential challenges in physical and mental outlook this year. While wealth luck may not match the heights of Dragon’s allies — Rat and Monkey — they can attract better opportunities by displaying their auspicious images in the southeast section of their space. Be conscientious about actions and decisions, thereby earning a more favorable karmic outcome.


Health issues that may have haunted Dragons in the past can resurface with increased severity. So, it’s of paramount importance to exercise utmost vigilance concerning their well-being. Carefully evaluate whether any activity is worth the potential health risks.

Consider placing health safeguards such as the Wu Lou on the bedside table, and make it a habit to wear protective accessories such as the wellness and long life symbols. Do not take potential health challenges lightly as they have the possibility of escalating into serious threats that might land Dragons in the hospital for several days or even weeks.

To fortify their body against these challenges, maintain a health-conscious lifestyle. Strive to maintain a sense of calm and resilience, guarding against the detrimental effects of negative emotions. Invest in health by adhering to annual physical checkups and any routine-based health practices to ensure the body remains in optimal physical condition.


Dragon’s recent financial journey shows how a heightened focus on managing their finances diligently has translated into increased stability. This underscores the basic principle that proactive financial management can yield tangible improvements in financial well-being.

While it is good to exercise caution regarding major expenditures, it’s important to recognize that prudence is not about depriving oneself of life’s pleasures. Consider postponing significant expenses such as vacations, luxury indulgences or home renovations for the time being. This provides greater security and resources for future endeavors and ambitions.

Better days lie ahead, and discipline today contributes to the potential for a more fulfilling and prosperous future. Impulse spending can lead to debt, financial stress and missed opportunities for long-term growth. Wear the ultimate wealth amulet charm for steady income and display the wealth and prosperity symbols along the east, southeast, north and southwest sectors of the home.


Interactions with supportive colleagues and affiliates will significantly enhance Dragon’s career journey this year. There could be some obstacles along the way but stay confident that these challenges will be temporary. Each new day presents a fresh opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

If a Dragon is contemplating about changing jobs, it’s advisable to postpone such plans unless the new position offers a markedly better overall prospect for career. To bolster career prospects, hang an auspicious bird painting, majestic horses or dragon and phoenix symbols at the south and southeast corner of the home. These images can help manifest swift promotions, salary increases or overcome any hurdles on the path to career success.

If employed, aiming for a more subtle and less aggressive approach in interactions can help build trusted alliances with colleagues and superiors.


The year 2024 may bring its fair share of luck to those who are seeking a romantic partner. If marriage is on your horizon, consider harnessing the power of feng shui to boost chances of a lucky union.

Remember that marriage is a life-altering commitment, and once made, it’s intended to last for the long haul. To enhance love and marriage prospects, wear the powerful Claddagh amulet or the Triquetra as they both represent everlasting love, respect and harmony to couples.

Consider incorporating feng shui charms such as the happy couple, double happiness symbols, and mandarin ducks into the environment. These symbols can serve as powerful enhancers for promoting love, harmony and lasting partnerships. Be mindful of the challenges and opportunities that 2024 presents in matters of the heart, and take proactive steps to nurture and protect your relationships.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Secret friend: Monkey

Allies: Ox and Rooster

Annual flying star number: 2

Time for revival, respite

The positive stars of 2024 hold so much promise despite the threat of illness. Some auspicious energies are aligned in Snake’s favor, promising a fresh start and igniting the flames of ambition.

Regardless of the challenges faced in the past year — be it financial setbacks, tumultuous relationships, business obstacles or legal problems — the arrival of 2024 offers a respite and an opportunity to mend what’s been broken for the Snake.

It’s a time to rekindle long-held dreams with renewed enthusiasm and embrace the promise of personal growth and success. As this year unfolds, a key asset for Snake is the Vitaluxe Talisman and any wellness and long life symbols. These special amulets can aid in the overall well-being, aiding effective communication, transparency and a steadfast determination to achieve personal and professional success.

Moreover, this year is all about personal growth and development. It encourages Snake to reflect on their life journey, reevaluate their goals and take steps toward self-improvement.


Snake individuals can harness their newfound energy reserves in 2024 by placing the vitality and endurance emblems in the southeast and east sectors of their living spaces.

Beyond physical health, this year encourages a holistic approach to well-being. It’s an ideal moment for Snake individuals to explore practices that enhance their mental and emotional health needs. In addition to mindfulness meditation, journaling and seeking counseling or therapy, individuals can delve into practices such as yoga or tai chi to find balance and inner peace.

Cultivating hobbies and leisure activities that bring joy and relaxation can further contribute to overall well-being. This year’s emphasis on health extends beyond the physical realm. It should be a commitment to focus on mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Being happy and content with the enormous joy Snake can create for themselves is a great start for a clearer mind and body.


Confidence in abilities is key as Snake explores various income opportunities. Trust that challenges will ultimately lead to favorable outcomes.

Wear the Ultimate Mantra Bangle talisman or place auspicious symbols such as the wealth tree, aventurine and water fountains in living and working spaces to attract abundance.

Moreover, 2024 is for exploring new avenues of investment and financial planning. Diversify financial portfolio and seek professional advice for long-term stability and growth. The year also invites Snake individuals to nurture their entrepreneurial spirit. Starting a small business, launching creative ventures or exploring side hustles can yield significant financial rewards. Snake’s capacity for innovative thinking and calculated risks will serve well in these endeavors.

Take it easy on personal expenditures such as unnecessary materials things as what is important is to secure health and wealth strategies this year.


The complexities of office dynamics should not deter Snake individuals as steadfast commitment and loyalty will pave the path to professional achievement.

To enhance personal and professional development, invest in further education, Snake must attend workshops or seek out mentors who can guide them toward their goals. These endeavors will not only enhance their skills, but also open up new career opportunities and advancement prospects.

Furthermore, 2024 underscores the significance of effective leadership and teamwork. For those in leadership roles, this is an ideal time to cultivate a positive work environment, inspire their team and foster collaboration.

For those aspiring for leadership positions, honing their leadership skills and building strong professional relationships will be invaluable. Maintaining a harmonious work-life balance is also important. Activate the southeast part of the space with fame and popularity symbols or wear Jade Wu lou or mantra bracelets filled with auspicious symbols.


In matters of the heart, 2024 ushers in a period of reconciliation, rekindled romance and strengthened familial bonds for Snake individuals.

The challenges of the previous year such as financial strain, disagreements, legal issues or turbulent energies can be addressed and resolved in the months ahead.

For single Snake individuals, the year presents an auspicious opportunity to find their ideal life partner. Active socializing, attending events and expanding their social circles can significantly enhance their chances of meeting that special someone.

Activate the southwest corner of the bedroom with love symbols or wear the Claddagh ring or the famous Triquetra symbols to help achieve everlasting love and peace in relationships and further amplify romantic prospects.

Additionally, self-love and self-acceptance are crucial. Cultivating a positive self-image and nurturing emotional well-being will not only enhance relationships, but also attract partners who align with their authentic selves.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Secret friend: Sheep

Allies: Tiger and Dog

Annual flying star number: 7

Robbery and injury star

Horse-born individuals will continue to reap the rewards of prosperity in the year ahead. However, it is essential to remain cautious as threats of robbery, losses or potential injuries loom in Horse’s chart. Fear not, if they have been cultivating positive karma, the universe is ready to manifest profitable gains in their path this year.

Let the universal mandala shawl or scarf serve as a personal accessory of protection. The health outlook for the Horse may bring about some unfortunate issues and concerns. Therefore, invest in annual physical examinations or any routine health practices to ensure well-being.

If a Horse-born individual happens to be a heavy drinker, smoker or suffer from sleep deprivation, it’s imperative to make improvements and eliminate these vices from their lifestyle to lead a healthier life. Professional opportunities may present hurdles, yet nurturing robust connections and showcasing unwavering commitment hold the key to triumph. Exercise prudence when considering career transitions unless they substantially enhance overall circumstances.


In the year 2024, individuals born under the Horse sign may encounter a range of health-related challenges that require careful consideration. It’s important to note that one’s emotional well-being and mood can play a significant role in overall health.

Negative emotions and mood swings can contribute to health problems, and in some cases, may lead to more serious health complications. However, amid these challenges, there is a glimmer of hope.

Auspicious stars are also set to make their appearance in 2024, heralding a period of positive fortune. Incorporating health-conscious habits and practices into the daily routine can go a long way in safeguarding physical and mental health. The vitaluxe and vitality and endurance emblems will be great protection as they offer a layer of defense against negative influences.


Regardless of the company or organization Horse individuals find themselves in, they can look forward to nurturing good relationships with colleagues and thriving in a positive work atmosphere.

Horse-born individuals who are employees should brace themselves for a significant boost in career. They must be extra careful with competitors, who can steal the limelight from them and even cause problems with promotion and salary increase.

The anti-robbery images should be secure in the south corner of their home and office. For those who hold a leadership position or a high-ranking office, natural leadership qualities will shine brightly. Horses possess the ability to not only lead, but also mentor and influence positively within the organization. Colleagues will begin to look up to you for guidance and seek insights on how to navigate their own professional journeys.


This time, the realm of love and romance may present some challenges for those born under the Horse sign, including possible issues such as breakups or separation.

Thus, the Triquetra, Claddagh ring and Aphrodite’s charm can help them find true love, bring back the one that they lost or provide them with a lasting love if they already have found one.

For those who are currently single, the quest for a romantic partner may prove to be a substantial challenge in 2024. The demands and opportunities in career are likely to take precedence, making it a wise decision to prioritize professional pursuits during this time. While it’s natural to desire companionship, the stars suggest that building a solid foundation in career is a more favorable path this year. This precaution is taken to protect from potential heartbreak.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Secret friend: Horse

Allies: Rabbit and Boar

Annual flying star number: 9

Future prosperity and magnifying luck

A fortunate twist of fate is on the horizon. The auspicious beacon of the Future Prosperity Star No. 9 illuminates the path for the Sheep, offering the promise of increased prosperity, potentially as much as ninefold if they navigate endeavors judiciously.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that success won’t arrive effortlessly. A few obstacles may indeed dot their journey toward affluence. Yet, with unwavering determination, they are poised to be counted among this year’s triumphant individuals.

The Future Prosperity star bestows upon the Sheep a cascade of favorable blessings and the potential for remarkable fortune. Similar to seeds sown in rich fertile soil, each opportunity they seize possesses the potential to bloom into a cornucopia of blessings. Tend to these opportunities with diligence for they hold the golden key to an abundant harvest.

Sheep can consider adorning themselves with emperor coin-inspired bracelets or the auspicious horseshoe and four-leaf clover charms, which are powerful symbols of support and inspiration. These enhancers can serve to amplify good fortune and provide the strength to overcome challenges that may disrupt your luck in the upcoming year.


It’s essential to carve out some downtime to recharge energies. Remember, neglecting health can lead to long-term issues that are harder to resolve. Be cautious about late-night adventures and overextending oneself. Getting adequate sleep and rest is vital to tackle daily activities successfully.

Self-love is the starting point as one can’t give love to others without loving themselves first. Consider enrolling in online or offline yoga and meditation classes or finding a skilled instructor to incorporate these practices into the daily routine.

Manage the east sector effectively and consider placing items associated with wellness and long life symbols such as health wind chimes, an image of a crane, lucky bamboo and a dragon tortoise. These elements can help attract various forms of positive luck into the home and life. Give them a try and watch as they contribute to your overall well-being throughout the year.


While the year may start with some financial challenges, it will positively change right after. Think of the early part of the year as a time for sowing the seeds of financial endeavors with the bountiful harvest ripening as the year unfolds.

Maintain a positive outlook and exercise fiscal prudence. Allocate resources primarily to essential and high-value investments for the business. While it’s wise to be cautious about lending or borrowing money during this period of economic unpredictability, careful financial management will pave the way for a brighter future.

Use a feng shui almanac and planner to pinpoint auspicious dates for investments and important business decisions. These tools will serve as a compass in navigating the financial landscape. It’s crucial to understand that 2024 holds immense potential for success. The year is poised to align favorably with your endeavors and enhance financial well-being.


Engaging with supportive colleagues and like-minded associates will play a pivotal role in advancing Sheep’s career this year.

While the possibility of encountering occasional roadblocks exists, trust that these challenges are transient, and each new day ushers in fresh opportunities for personal and professional growth. For Sheeps who are contemplating a career move, it’s advisable to defer such plans unless the new position presents a significantly improved overall outlook for career.

To amplify career prospects, adorn the north, east and southeast corners of home with the majestic horses or dragon and phoenix symbols. Adding an image of a thousand birds can assist in catalyzing swift promotions, salary enhancements or overcoming any obstacles on the path to career triumph. If you’re employed, adopting a more subtle and collaborative approach in your interactions can help you cultivate trusted partnerships with colleagues and superiors.


The love outlook for Sheep in 2024 sparkles with promise. It’s a year brimming with opportunities for love, respect and affection. Sheeps who are single and searching for that special someone or have an eye on someone, this is the time to make a move. However, if they’re considering taking a more serious step in a relationship, take it slow.

Patience is the Sheep’s ally. Allow the universe to align things in Sheep’s favor and the right person will come into their life. Often, when a relationship faces challenges and then regains its footing, it becomes even more cherished.

This year carries positive energy for those who may have experienced separations or losses in love. It’s an opportunity to reconnect, reunite or reconcile with loved ones. Keep love-enhancing symbols close and consider placing mystic knot or double happiness emblems in the southwest part of the bedroom to amplify the loving energies.

In matters of love, Sheep are most compatible with the Rabbit, Sheep, Boar and Horse. A relationship between these animals is marked by mutual support, bringing fabulous relationship luck.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Secret friend: Snake

Allies: Dragon and Rat

Annual flying star number: 9

Monkey’s vibrant energy in 2024 and unwavering determination will set them on a path to victory. The Future Prosperity star bestows auspicious blessings upon Monkey, opening the door to boundless opportunities and immense fortune.

Nurture these precious opportunities with utmost care for they hold the key to a magnificent harvest. The Sacred Harmony amulet or the lucky charm multiplier can enhance the flow of prosperity in Monkey’s life. The Evergreen Life charms will further connect them with the limitless abundance of the universe, paving the way for overflowing success.

Stay confident and believe in Monkey’s abilities. To enhance luck, concentrate on activating the northern area of the home or workplace. Incorporate elements such as water features and lush plants as they are believed to usher in prosperity and success.

The energies of 2024 are especially favorable for those born under the Monkey sign as after all, the Dragon — ruling animal of the year — is Monkey’s ally and a friend, and could doubly enhance the Monkey’s luck, especially concerning work and finances. Inject pursuits with constructive intent and positivity as these radiate to collaborators and employers.


Managing multiple commitments and encounter opportunities that may lead to stress and fatigue. It’s crucial to carve out downtime to replenish energy. Remember that neglecting health can lead to long-term issues that are challenging to resolve.

Monkeys must exercise caution with late-night activities and overextending oneself, which are essential for successfully tackling daily tasks. On the whole, this year is expected to bring good health for those born under the Monkey sign.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, many have turned to wellness practices to prioritize their personal well-being. Self-love is the starting point as one must love yourself before giving love to others.

Mindfulness in nurturing the mind with positive thoughts can establish habits that significantly benefit both mental and physical well-being. Effectively managing this area involves securing the southeast and southwest sectors of the home with vitality and endurance amulets.


The first quarter is a time for planting seeds with the actual financial harvest, arriving at a later date. Save diligently and spend primarily on essential and high-value items for business or investments. The year — enriched by the energies of the Dragon — will align favorably with personal and business pursuits as well as financial health. Embrace the opportunities that come in the way, practice fiscal responsibility and observe as the tide turns in Monkey’s favor.

Remember that patience and persistence will serve as allies and trust that efforts will yield fruitful results. Consider exploring new income avenues or expanding the skill set to diversify revenue streams. Stay attuned to evolving market trends and adapt strategies accordingly. Invite the Lord Kubera or the wealth gods and a variety of wealth enhancers in the Southwest corner of your home and office.


This year, embrace a proactive approach by planning ahead for both anticipated and unforeseen situations. In professional life, Monkey may encounter challenges arising from a team that appears less motivated or dependable.

To navigate these waters smoothly, establish precautionary measures well in advance. Develop backup plans that ensure the team can maintain progress even in the face of obstacles.

This year also presents a unique opportunity for personal growth. Stepping out of the comfort zone can unveil hidden talents and untapped potential for the Monkey-born individuals. Surrounding themselves with people, who excel in areas where they seek improvement, is a wise choice. Learning from those more skilled than them can provide invaluable insights and mentorship. Keep that ultimate mantra amulet with powerful inscriptions for your continuous career luck.


The year 2024 brings exciting opportunities for love, respect and affection for those born under the Monkey sign. For those Monkeys who are single and looking for love or have their eye on someone special, now is the time to take action.

However, if they are thinking about taking a more serious step in a relationship, it’s wise to proceed with patience. Let the universe work its magic, and the right person will come into their life.

For those already married or in a relationship, the past year may have had its ups and downs in their love life. In 2024, smoother sailing is on the horizon. Often, when a relationship faces challenges, and then recovers, it becomes even more cherished.

Keep the famous Claddagh ring, Triquetra amulet or the Aphrodite’s heart charms to invite love and harmony into life. These charms can also bring back lost love.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Secret friend: Dragon

Allies: Ox and Snake

Annual flying star number: 5

Avoiding misfortune and challenging stars

As the secret friend of the Dragon, Rooster-born people are presented with numerous opportunities; so, it’s essential to seize them. Engaging in social events and networking can lead to valuable connections that offer advantages both personally and professionally.

However, it’s crucial to note that the Rooster has the Misfortune star, which indicates challenges in many forms. Thus, take it easy and ensure that the Karma Guardian amulet or the Misfortune Shield cures are close to the Rooster and placed in the west corner of a private space.

This ominous star could bring misunderstandings, health issues and financial setbacks. It might also impact the Rooster’s relationships both at home and in the workplace. Keep a close eye on spending habits since there’s a heightened risk of financial losses or scams. Be cautious when entrusting hard-earned money to others, which may not be repaid.


Roosters may face some health concerns linked to their stomach or spleen, which could lead to worries. It’s essential to maintain a positive outlook and hold onto hope for a brighter future. Avoid dwelling on negative thoughts as they can harm the overall well-being.

Keep an eye on skin health, too, as the strong earth element in astrological charts this year might indicate potential skin issues. Be mindful of lifestyle choices and avoid overeating, which could strain Rooster’s physical health. Pay attention to sleep patterns, and try not to stay up late.

It’s crucial not to ignore any discomfort or pain as these could be related to the influence of a misfortune star. To protect their well-being, consider wearing accessories with metal elements such as white, gold or silver. It’s also beneficial to carry the wellness and lifespan icons or the vitality and endurance emblems.


In 2024, Roosters can expect financial ups and downs. Some months may bring substantial gains, but for approximately half of the year, the chances of financial success may be lower.

Exercise caution in spending and investments as imprudent choices can deplete the savings the Rooster worked hard to accumulate over the years. To safeguard finances, consider placing protective symbols such as Kuan Kung or God of Wealth in the west sector of the home or office.

When faced with challenging financial moments, embrace the positive aspects of life as they can serve as a source of inspiration. Show how resilient, independent and reliable the Roosters are. Their dedication can bring out the best in themselves and positively influence those around them. Wearing a Hum mantra pendant can provide one with strength and assist them in managing daily life.


Roosters can look forward to a promising career outlook with numerous opportunities on the horizon. Be prepared to make the right choices. Roosters might face a dilemma between two options: one that offers a good salary but comes with unusual stress and another that involves less travel, potentially lower pay but greater job satisfaction.

With careful management of expectations, Roosters can achieve significant personal growth in their career. For those working in government organizations, receiving support from influential figures is possible. Their skills can shine, leading to outstanding achievements and potential promotions.

Those involved in the financial industry can also expect favorable outcomes with financial rewards and increased energy levels. Their positive contributions can serve as examples for their colleagues also. Enhance the workplace with the presence of auspicious paintings of koi or arowana, prosperity trees or wealth ships.


Single Roosters may find themselves lucky in love, attracting and dating potential partners. Romantic encounters could be plentiful, offering opportunities to connect with the opposite sex.

For those already in relationships, it’s vital to nurture and maintain harmony. This year may present various temptations, making it essential to remain loyal and avoid getting entangled in harmful affairs. Keep the Aphrodite’s charm or the famous Claddagh ring to help love and harmony prevail for the Roosters’ love department.

The dating scene will be busy during this time, but Roosters need to take a relaxed approach to love. If they’re in a committed relationship, they don’t need to go to great lengths to impress their partner, being themselves and finding contentment in the present moment is often more effective. Striving to resolve any lingering conflicts in the relationship as a peaceful and harmonious connection can be truly enriching.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Secret friend: Rabbit

Allies: Tiger and Horse

Annual flying star number: 4

Transformation as protection from unwanted forces

Although it is the Dog’s conflict year, the Year of the Dragon still holds both positive and negative forces. Remember, change is key for Dogs this year. Consider shifting location, exploring new career paths or undergoing a refreshing transformation in appearance. By embracing change, Dogs can outshine the wrath of the Dragon and pave the way for your success in 2024.

Use the mighty Tai Sui amulet and medallion or the triple mantra charm as a shield against any obstacles that may arise. A rare four-leaf clover or an image of an airplane travel charm is believed to invoke journeys to different places. The image of elephants or ganesha displayed in various areas of home can also invite smooth success in education and travel journeys.

To attract love, rekindle romance and foster peace and harmony in life, wear accessories inspired with love knots or a pair of doves, which symbolize love, fidelity and peace between couples. The promising signs of good fortune associated with the “sun star” may usher in a year of prosperity for the Dog.


Some potential risks of illness or minor health issues could affect the Dog sign in 2024. They must avoid spending too much time in the southeast sector, where the illness star resides this year. Be particularly vigilant against respiratory diseases that could impact their overall well-being.

To safeguard their health, Dogs should use longevity symbols or wu lou amulets, which are effective remedies against illness risks. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial. Incorporate daily meditation, yoga and regular exercise into daily routine, and ensure that diet is balanced and nutritious. Spending time with people, who have a clear vision and purpose in life as their positivity can enhance the Dogs’ overall well-being. Regular checkups can help prevent potential health issues before they become more serious, ensuring that they stay on the path to good health throughout the year.


Opportunities to boost wealth and increase income are on the horizon. If a Dog holds a full-time job, the possibility of higher earnings through promotions or additional responsibilities is within reach. This is the time to be resourceful as numerous work and business prospects may come their way.

Avoid invitations for joint ventures, business start-ups or collaborations as this is not the right time. Individuals born under the Dog sign are known for their drive and proactive approach to generating income.

To further enhance financial prospects, enhance the north, southwest or east sectors with a wealth symbol and a wealth ship filled with gold ingots. The stars suggest a potential for misunderstandings and gossip that could harm Dogs’ reputation. To shield themselves from such negativity, the use of mantra protection amulets in the form of bracelets or necklaces serve as a symbolic armor against malicious forces.


Dogs might not feel the best now, and only a few coworkers can help this month. If they come across important contracts on their desk, postpone dealing with them whenever possible as they could overlook critical details.

However, if delaying is not possible, consult the feng shui almanac or planner to find an auspicious time for business. It may feel like carrying a significant burden and questioning the ability to handle the challenges at work.

Be on the lookout for envious colleagues, who may seek to damage Dog’s reputation. Avoid sharing too many confidential details with them unless there is absolute trust in their discretion. Keep a low profile and refrain from engaging in arguments for there’s a considerable risk of being misunderstood, which could lead to long-lasting distrust, a loss of respect and potential severed ties with some friends or coworkers.


In matters of love and serious relationships, this year brings both favorable and unfavorable prospects for those born under the Dog sign. Building strong friendships with individuals of the opposite sex may open doors to wonderful opportunities. If they meet someone with whom they share a deep connection, take a chance as it could lead to a meaningful and lasting relationship.

Carrying love amulets such as the Claddagh charms or the Triquetra can enhance the Dog’s romantic luck. If they are married, the year ahead can hold promises, offering them understanding and a stronger relationship. To safeguard the marriage, activate the southwest corner of the bedroom with symbols of love and marriage. Be vigilant against the possibility of a third party entering the relationship. Consider wearing an anti-infidelity charm or placing an amethyst geode at the foot of the bed for added protection.

blazing auspicious trails in the year of the wood dragon


(1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Secret friend: Tiger

Allies: Rabbit and Sheep

Annual flying star number: 4

Love, travel and networking luck

Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure as 2024 unfolds before for the Boar. Despite some negative twists and turns, fear not, for Boars possess the innate ability to gracefully navigate through it all.

Let nothing dampen one’s spirits for this year promises an abundance of opportunities and a horizon that gleams brighter than ever. Empower oneself with the triple mantra charm to gracefully hurdle the challenges of the year. Seek the rare four-leaf clover or image of an airplane travel charm, invoking the spirit of exploration and embarking on new journeys.

Give some time and attention to harmonize love and romance. Wear accessories such as love knots or a pair of dove birds. This year ushers in a period of renewal and transformation for the Boar. Positive changes are possible, particularly in financial life, travel, education and professional chances.

The star of miscommunication and disputes may pose hurdles, especially in legal matters and personal relationships. Be prepared to handle disagreements with tact and diplomacy as this will help the Boar maintain peace and harmony in life. Safeguarding the northwest corner of the home or workplace with symbols of peace and reconciliation can aid in resolving conflicts.


Be vigilant about health in 2024. There are potential health issues, especially related to the respiratory system. Protect the southeast sector, where the illness star resides this year, and avoid spending too much time in this area.

To counteract this, seek out areas with positive energy such as those in the east, north, northwest, center, or southwest corners. Carry longevity symbols and amulets, which are effective remedies against illness risks. Display a wu lou image in the southeast sector of the living or working spaces to provide added protection.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial. Incorporate daily practices such as meditation, yoga and regular exercise into the routine. Ensure that diet is balanced and nutritious to support overall well-being. Surround oneself with positive and inspiring individuals throughout the wellness journey.


Whether holding a full-time job or involved in business ventures, this year offers the potential for financial growth for the Boar. Consider invitations for joint ventures, business start-ups or collaborations but do so with careful consideration.

Aligning with astrological allies such as the Rabbit, Sheep, Boar and Tiger can enhance the chances of success. Utilize their images to activate the southeast sector of the home or workplace, creating a harmonious environment that fosters productivity and success.

Boar possesses a natural drive and proactiveness when it comes to generating income. To further enhance financial prospects, infuse symbols of wealth into surroundings. Display symbols of wealth and infinity or wear wealth and success medallions as accessories. Embrace the opportunities that come in 2024, and may this year be marked by financial prosperity and abundance.


In 2024, Boar’s career takes center stage. This year presents opportunities for growth and advancement, making it an ideal time to set ambitious professional goals. The potential for promotions and increased income is high in 2024, which can bring joy not only to Boars, but also to their families. Dream big and set sights on achieving professional aspirations.

To shield oneself from negativity, consider wearing mantra protection amulets such as bracelets or necklaces can serve as symbolic armor against malicious forces. Success in 2024 often lies in going above and beyond expectations. Consistently delivering exceptional results, being a source of inspiration and exuding confidence can attract favorable opportunities their way. Enhance career luck by placing auspicious symbols such as a bejewelled image of the Boar or a victory horse figurine at home or office.


This year brings favorable prospects for love and romantic relationships for the Boar. Whether they’re single or in a committed partnership, there are opportunities to strengthen and deepen connections with others. If single, consider building strong friendships with individuals of the opposite sex. These friendships may lead to wonderful romantic opportunities.

If they find someone with whom they share a deep connection, they shouldn’t hesitate to take a chance as it could lead to a meaningful and lasting relationship.

For married individuals born under the Boar sign, the year ahead holds promise in their relationship. However, it’s crucial to offer understanding and support to each other. Be mindful that even minor disagreements can escalate into more serious issues; so, tread carefully in every interaction. To safeguard marriage, activate the southwest corner of the bedroom with symbols of love and marriage, creating a harmonious and loving environment.

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